Embrace Your Prime: Wellness Journeys for the Golden Ages

At The Wellness Travel Expert, we understand that wellness transcends age. It's about thriving in every moment, embracing each stage of life with vitality and joy. That's why we're thrilled to introduce two new programs at Absolute Sanctuary, designed specifically for the Prime (50-65 years) and Golden (65-75 years) years of life.

For Those in Their Prime (50-65 years)

The Prime Years Program is a testament to the belief that the best is yet to come. Targeting the unique needs of individuals in the 50-65 age group, this program is a comprehensive suite of personalised movement therapies, mindfulness practices, and emotional wellness sessions. It's about building strength, flexibility, and resilience to navigate life's transitions with grace. From nourishing wellness cuisine to life empowerment sessions, every aspect is designed to equip you with the tools for a thriving, vibrant life.

Key Highlights:

  • Personalised movement therapies for balance and agility

  • Mindfulness and emotional therapies for cognitive and emotional wellbeing

  • Nourishing wellness cuisine to revitalise from within

Celebrating the Golden Years (65-75 years)

The Golden Years Program redefines ageing, focusing on vitality, well-being, and the joy of active living. For those aged 65-75, this program offers a gentle yet powerful approach to wellness, with activities like personalised Pilates, aqua-therapy, and yoga nidra classes tailored to enhance mobility, joint health, and cognitive agility. It's an invitation to extend your healthiest years, to live fully and with purpose.

Key Highlights:

  • Personalised Pilates for spine health and mobility

  • Aquatherapy for gentle, effective joint care

  • Private yoga nidra for mental clarity and cognitive agility

Its Never Too Late…

We invite you to explore these unique wellness programs, designed with your prime and golden years in mind. Whether you're looking to empower your physical health, enrich your mental well-being, or connect with like-minded travellers, these programs offer a path to a more vibrant, fulfilling life.

Don't wait to embrace the wellness journey of a lifetime. Contact The Wellness Travel Expert today to learn more about the Prime and Golden Years programs at Absolute Sanctuary. The journey to your best self awaits.


Wellness Journeys: An Interview with Kimberly Rose Kneier, Wellness Director at COMO Shambhala Estate.


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